Why cant I view or print coupons?
To view or download the coupon you will need Adobe Reader. Click here to download.
What is the fastest way to find a business listing or coupons?
On the right top/header sidebar you will see a box with text Search. In that box type the business name and click search. You will then see a link with business name. Click on the link and you can view business information and print coupon/s. You can also access search on the website bottom footer on any page.
How do I print coupons?
Underneath the business card listing you will see an image with scissors. Click the image and the coupon will show in PDF format. You will then have an option to print the coupon or save to your computer for future use.
Why do coupons/ads print so big?
When you click on the coupon image & open the coupon in PDF format on the bottom there is a printer image/ print file. Click on the printer image/print file and a print screen will open. When open under Size Options: make sure to uncheck Fit & select Actual Size. Click Print. The coupon/ads will print at the actual size.
Why do some business listing not have coupons?
Some business listings might not have coupons because they recently started advertising. There coupons will be uploaded once the magazine is published on the 1st of the new quarter.
My mailed copy was damaged or lost. How do I get an additional copy of Madera Values Quarterly magazine?
If your mailer was damaged or lost we would like to know. Please contact us by email or call (559) 673-6957. We can personally mail you a new copy or if you prefer you can pick up an additional copy. Madera Values Quarterly magazines is now available in many local Madera businesses in our professional display racks. You can view locations by clicking here.